About Logo
The logo, which I designed from scratch, consists of the G clef, a quaver, the text ‘otono’ and the number 3 (3 is called ‘san’ in Japan). The logo has two meanings.
The first meaning is ‘otonosan’, which is a casual term used to address a Japanese lord. The top circle of the G clef is filled with diagonal lines to symbolise topknot hair. I created this hoping that the character would represent those who fight for justice, including myself who is currently fighting against Amazon.
The second meaning is ‘otono3’, which means ‘sound of three’. The right side of the G clef depicts the number 3, and the quaver after ‘otono’ conveys a sense of lively music. After the fight, there will be a blue sky and fanfare for happiness to everyone!
These two form a core element of the visual identity of myself.